What is Insured?

Compensation for Employees or members of a group (or their representatives) against bodily injury resulting in:

  • Death, permanent or temporary disablement
  • Medical expenses
  • By accidental, violent, external and visible means

What is not Insured?

  • Bodily injury to any member while under the influence of alcohol, drugs/any intoxicant
  • Suicide
  • War, Invasion or warlike operations
  • Air Travel as a non-fare paying passenger
  • Childbearing or other physical causes peculiar to females
  • Employee playing football for professional clubs/polo/ motorcycling/mountaineering /skiing/hunting or participating in speed or duration tests or races of any kind

Where am I covered?


What are my obligations?

  • To disclose all material facts
  • Payment of premium
  • Immediate notification of claimable event
  • Provision of necessary claim substantiating documents
  • Cooperate with claim adjusters

Are there any restrictions on cover?

  • Specified Benefits
  • Period of disablement
  • Period death occurs after an accident - within a year

How do I pay?

  • VISA|MasterCard|Verve

When does the cover start and end?

Immediately upon agreement of benefits, payment of insurance premium, issuance of insurance Policy document and terminates at midnight of last day of period of insurance 


  • Restoration of financial loss
  • Rest of mind